On Wednesday & Thursday, April 9th & 10th, IMSOL will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for the children!
On Wednesday, children ages 2–4 will enjoy their hunt right at the Mastu 1 preschool playground to keep things close and comfortable.
On Thursday, children ages 4+ will have an egg hunt at Viesturdārzs Park and then play traditional Latvian Easter games with Zanda.
We are looking for 5 volunteers to help make the magic happen:
1 volunteer at Mastu 1: 📅 Wednesday, 9:00–10:00 AM
4 volunteers at Viesturdārzs Park: 📅 Thursday, 10:00–12:00 PM
Volunteer responsibilities: hiding eggs, collecting them as they are found, and giving each child a small chocolate treat.
🌧 Rain Plan: The egg hunts will move to inside the Mastu 4 campus.
✅ This counts toward Parent Engagement Hours!
If you're interested, please email info@imsol.edu.lv. Thank you for helping make this celebration special!