International Montessori School of Latvia (IMSOL) embarked on its educational journey in 2019. We are a small, private, English-medium day school nestled in the heart of Riga, Latvia. Our school’s mission is to serve students from 2.5 years to 12 years, offering a unique and enriching educational experience. Drawing inspiration from a thoughtful blend of Montessori and International Baccalaureate principles, we have created an educational environment where students are inspired to become internationally-minded, inquisitive, and principled learners. Our goal is to provide open-ended, creative learning spaces where children can explore, nurture their unique talents, and work towards becoming the compassionate leaders of the future.
Age 3-6 Head Teacher
Age 9-12 Head Teacher
A successful candidate will:
- be certified in Montessori (AMI or MACTE) and/or a IB PYP teacher with at least 2 years’ experience.
- have continuous professional development in educational theories and practices.
- have experience in a multicultural educational environment.
- be willing to undergo extensive training, if they lack experience in either of the school’s curriculums (IB PYP or Montessori).
- have strong behavior management skills.
It is not that the Montessori teacher is inactive where the usual teacher is active; rather all the activities we have described are due to active preparation and guidance of the teacher, and her later “inactivity” is a sign of her success, representing the task successfully accomplished.
Dr. Maria Montessori